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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1348370962801.png (25.84 KB, 320x240, it_was_in_our_faces_all_th….png)


After going to one of those bathrooms, and realizing there are no bathrooms when you're awake, I started thinking..

Also, what's with that oversized broom in the balcony?
And the void looking scenery around…

Given those strange details about the "real world" I think both real and dream worlds, are in fact dream worlds.

(I'm aware this has been discussed for ages, just pointing out the thing about the oversized broom, I'm likely to be just reading too much in it but who knows…)


oh, also the closed eyes in the "real world"…


Mind posting a screenshot?


I mean, Madotsuki's sprite is the same in the real world as the sprite in the dream world.
If we assumed that her eyes are closed when she's dreaming, then she's also dreaming in the "real world"


Ehh these obervations are way too objective to really comment on. Sprites just dont have a lot of detail and doesn't mean anything.

Also I always thought that Madotsuki's eyes were not closed, she's just asian and has squinty eyes. Monoe has the same overworld eyes and when you zoom in on her face she has cartoony squinty asian eyes. I dont know how to make this not sound a bit racist though, lol.


I think that hte reason the broom is there is to envoke the feelings of the Witch event on top of the mall. Mado uses the witch broom to fly around after she jumps off of the building. The broom being on the balcony envoke sthe same imagery but instead of jumping off and not dying she kind of died.


I always thought about the other climatizers up and down her apartment


>oversized broom in the balcony

Maybe Madotuski is just younger or shorter than you think she should be?

Provided the broom size isn't some sort of hiccup it could be used as a possible scale of sorts… No possible way to know if it's intentional or not though.


It's spooky how ceelvr some ppl are. Thanks!

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