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/t/ - Theories

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I don't know if this really counts as a theory, but…

The first thing most people notice about Yume Nikki is that there's a lot of empty space. Like the dark land, the puddle land, a lot of areas are just huge empty spaces with a few landmark features in them.

Since Yume Nikki is an unfinished game, could it be that those big empty spaces are just placeholders? People always say things like "the big empty areas are a metaphor for how lonely she is" but what if it gets updated one day, and the trademark open areas get filled with stuff?


Oh, jesus.
That would be terrifying.


Has it ever been overtly stated for certain that it is an unfinished game?


I wouldn't deny being hesitant to refrain from not doubting it.


Uhm, no, the empty spaces are for gameplay reasons. You have to wander around a lot and you have to be lost, if every screen was different it wouldn't work.


It seems to me like if those were placeholder areas, they'd just be blocked off, Yume2kki style.

There will probably never be another version, I think we can consider it complete.


i'm saw somewhere that kikiyama plans on taking yume nikki past the current version, but i'm not sure if that's true

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