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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1344699153802.jpg (4.94 KB, 77x77, head.jpg)


What do you think about these severed heads we see near the white desert building rooftop (apart from symbolizing rape, of course)?

In my opinion, they could be somewhat more important than just random events. Think about it: they are used as the UFOs on Mars. One of them is used as the flying object near the edge of the Sky Garden. And they are visible up close in one of the most hidden and (in my opinion) most creepy place.

I've read a theory about them being Mado's parents. Are they "haunting" her in some way? Or who/what are these supposed to be?


I actually haven't heard this theory. Perhaps.


the flying heads symbolize rape they are trying to fly away but they keep on getting pulled in by the gravitational force generated by the collective theories involving mado getting raped


Maybe she saw a decapitated head fly through the air and then roll off to someplace during the traffic accident. If you subscribe to the traffic accident theories involving monoko, stoplight effect, dead body man, and other in-game references.


They fit on those pregnant dick monster looking things.


File: 1347588468447.jpg (54.23 KB, 512x376, Gojin_34.jpg)

I don't know, but I was surprised to have come across this little scan on the creepypasta wiki.

I quote the image description: "Keep in mind that the book this came from was aimed at children."

I wanted to make my own thread for this, but since I already saw a white desert floating head thread, I thought I'd conserve a little thread space.

But what I find interesting as I'm sure you'll all notice:
-It's Japanese (from what I can tell by the calligraphy)
-It's a children's magazine
-It features two very distinct decapitated heads

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