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/t/ - Theories

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Theory: Torinigen are not bird people. Rather,


They are dream eaters. Unfortunately I wasn't able to work in a theory about Mado being raped in this one, sorry fellas.


This is new and refreshing and hasn't been posted a shitload of times yet


Heavens excuse me anon, I'll just hop back into my time machine search engine and do some doctor who brand of shit to make sure I'm not reposting something that's probably in the archives.


You'd think that if it was posted a shitload of times, everyone would stop calling them Toriningen.



Yeah, let me help you build that time machine of yours

1- Google uboachan "dream eater"

That's it. No more steps to follow. Hard uh


Because posting it a shitload of times makes it instantly become the truth right


Yeah that's my first thought when I think up a theory. Google it to make sure that absolutely nobody else has ever thought about it even though duplicate threads can still get input.

Guess I'll cherrypick through all the threads that imply that Mado was sexually abused or insane to any extent and tell them off.


Not in most cases but here you think people would pay closer attention and think "hey that saggy skin-colored 'beak' doesn't actually look like a beak at all!"

And actually saying something a lot apparently does make it "instantly become the truth". They're called Toriningen by fans just because a few people thought they looked like birds.



Yeah they can get input. You got mine already: it's been said tons of times. You didn't take it very well though

And yes, you should go do that, as opposed to realizing that if anyone made a thread that went "Theory: Madotsuki was raped" or "Theory: Madotsuki had mental issues", they would get zero serious responses

You want to work that dream eater thing into a bigger theory? Go ahead, I'll be happy to tell you my thoughts on it. But if all you have to say is that the Toriningen may be dream eaters, then all I have to say is that that's about as much news as "Mado was raped" and "Mado was crazy" would be


It's just a bunch of pixels, it may or may not look like a beak or a snout

Also Toriningen is nothing but a universally accepted fan-name. It's very unlikely that's their true name, so it hardly makes it the truth. It stuck, however, and it won't change now. In fact, I'll bet you anything that even if Kikiyama came forward and confirmed that they were indeed dream eaters, the fandom would still use the term Toriningen to refer to them. Unless he were to actually give them names, that is


I'm pretty sure they're actually called 'Toriningen' in the files…



Really? I didn't know about that. Assuming it's true though, it only strengthens my point of view



How does that strengthen your argument? Kikiyama her/himself called them Toriningen. Toriningen is not a word in Japanese, and it's spelt with the characters for" bird and the pair for "human". The only thing it can mean is bird-person. Toriningen isn't a fan name.

Therefore, it's pretty much canon that they're bird like.



It obviously does, because if it's the official name, then it's pretty much impossible for people to start using another name to refer to them. Colton was the one implying they had snouts instead of beaks, don't mix our posts up


Uboa is God.


Is Toriningen really their official name? I thought only Madotsuki, Monoe and Monoko had ones.

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