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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1318127364575.png (25.92 KB, 905x363, 1317252642452.png)


Here's a tiny bit of speculation.

I think the FACE event, and the bleeding milkshake guy near the flute effect, represent Madotsuki's experiences with psychiatrists. I think the blood milkshake guy represents her 'spilling of guts.' The rest of the building is the offices or waiting rooms.

Her psychiatrists may have been extremely Freudian. She may have 'spilled her guts' about all these weird penis shaped dreams, which the psychiatrists interpreted as penis and rape related issues. Also FACE represents some trauma, but also a Rorschach test she was given while being evaluated or tested. If you read about Rorshach tests, there's a lot of interpretations that make everything sexual in those.


tl;dr FACE = partly a Rorshach test. The milkshake blood guy = psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist saw dicks in all of Madotsuki's dreams and she was like, 'lol no they're just dreams dude'


File: 1318140099495.gif (469.16 KB, 250x141, tumblr_lsrsoogPw71qir4s6.gif)

Milkshake guy!


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Delicious tokuto-coffee!


I was reading about Rorshache tests, and they can be interpreted many different ways by different psychiatrists. Also, apparently seeing some sexual things is supposed to be normal.


Iced Tokuto-kun blood coffee. DELICIOUS.

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