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File: 1596840704005.png (562.69 KB, 1712x7397, socialwiki.top infographic….png)


Big fat list of imageboards, uboachan.net is on it too.


Neat but why?


Why not?


I rather not say



Tell me please!


What happened to 420chan?


It still dead….


File: 1691117255830.jpg (59.83 KB, 512x912, 1690571196487228.jpg)

What happened to dreamch? There was also another one I'm trying to remember…Laguna chan?Chan? I can't remember the name, but maybe someone else can.


cripllekike bought it


File: 1691670485455.png (154.57 KB, 448x358, notagain.png)

Yeah it's been a while. Last time i went to check back on it, it was online and the next few days, it went offline. I hope Duck didn't get in trouble!


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3chan is kill. Pity. I'll like how it did animated gif thumbnails…


any chans with fun drawfag culture? it's all I'm good for honestly


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I don't know…


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File: 1715993194580-1.jpg (159.67 KB, 850x1156, 20240519.jpg)

I like tinychan's animated-gif thumbnail system;

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