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fuck anons i was zonked out on fluvoxamine and wasnt really thinking straight and cut my forearm out of curiosity shshfhdjsjsjsjshdhdhd

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Anyone else have a sleeping disorder?
I have narcolepsy.
It's kind of funny to me because I've love Yume Nikki since I was like 12, and even though I've grown up, and it's been years, and it's faded into the back of my mind, it's always been important to me.
And then a couple years ago, I started sleeping more and more to the point that I just conk out without warning, and now this week I finally got a diagnosis.
Who else here /sleepdisorder/?
Share your involuntary dreamer stories
18 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Kicking in …in 3…2…1


I love to sleep!


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Time to wake up


same here. It takes me about 30 mins on a good day just to fall asleep and then I have to deal with a shitty sleep schedule and it's just hell.


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The 4400 is just a shitty version of Jojo. I don't know whether you heard of the 4400, here's a summary: 4400 people are abducted by aliens over varying points of history. All of them are returned to earth at the same time and they're all the same age as when they were abducted. When they land they have special powers for some reason. Every person has a unique power that is somewhat reflective of their personality. The show itself follows a special police force made to monitor the 440 and apprehend any of them if they cause trouble. The show starts of being episodic with them finding and arresting various dangerous 4400 members. Shit starts to get more convoluted when scientists figure out that the powers are caused by some green ooze and if people inject that into them self they can either develop powers or die. Somehow this green ooze start being distributed illegally. The police team now also has to combat any person who developed powers and uses them for criminal actives. All of the powers are kind of dull like making people do what you want, or killing people around you when you get stressed, or never forgetting anything. Nothing very interesting. People don't use them in creative ways. The story gets more and more convoluted with time travel and mind control and eventually some guy gets the power to make the people around him either die or also get powers and the whole thing becomes a massive cluster fuck that didn't even get a proper conclusion because it got cancelled. Has anybody else watched this train wreck?
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The first episode. The audio goes out a bit at the beginning, but it's mostly fine. I fucking dare you to try to finish it.


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Jolyne Kujou is the best Jojo


why are you posting this on a 6 year old thread. dang necroposter


Necroposter or not, he’s right


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Giorno's Theme (Piano Cover) - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind

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These boards are still active? Color me surprised.
30 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


we’re still around, every so often. It’s quiet and relaxed, not too much risk of getting flooded. I prefer quieter sites because you know the people that still use it are reliable


Idling quietly is preferred here.


Tanks a lot.


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No problemu


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I exist, I survive, I thrive

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Is your DS still in this plane of existence anon?
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I'm Indian, so yes, that goes without saying


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This reminds me of a rare time around 2011 where if you were lucky enough you would find DS cartridges lying around on buses in good enough condition to use them. In fact, I have an NSMB that a friend found thrown away on public transportation, and another 4 games that I no longer own. For whoever motherfucker that left those games out there

I would eat your mouth.


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Please don't eat my mouth, I need it for absorbing sustenance ! !


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sorry anon, im feeling romantical


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hello anons! I'm bored… is there anything to do? Lets chat
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sounds fascinating. I was worried initially because 'philosophy books. booted me mentally back to when i had to study philosophy textbooks at 9 in the morning, but this one sounds pretty cool


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I feel like pic related. Haha.


Hi chatters


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Go to Japan; yen exchange rate is good right now….


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Creating AI waifus

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How long can you sit through this video I stumbled across?
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Nice cap


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I rather fly on Cloud 9


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Please stop


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I make this thread because I lost a small-sized 16-frame .gif of a red stickman dancing.


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Dance like you want to win!


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OP here, I found it shortly after making this thread.


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Dance to this

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Guys, it's Ray Park.
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Monoe is cute. Post Monoe.




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Cycling makes your wheels spin


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I'm reminded that Betty White died at 99….

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posting this again to get cp off the 'log. get in and roll
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File: 1711540419418-0.webm (3.19 MB, 1080x1920, feifeicrab.webm)

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Oh nom nom



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