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I tried going to Sushi today, but it's down any thought to why?


Is uboachan sushigirls technical support board or what?


it can be if we believe and try hard enough


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Have you tried inserting a melon in your pockets?

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4chon is down, still replying to pings, but not http requests.
Any idea what the deal is?


Probably the web server is down or scheduled maintenance?


its back
your dubs didn't lie

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Which of you dorks made this, i love you


I wish I had the money for a headset and a pc good enough for vr lobbies.


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a quest 2 is stand alone and can do VRC, although with a lot of limitations.

Not sure if these worlds can even run in it.

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anyone here played neverawake?
obscure but cool ass game. also rem is a cutie

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I was just really bored some random night in September 2016 and decided to go on tvtropes (don't blame me).
I randomly found Yume Nikki, played it, i thought it was too eerie for me and i felt like it was hurting my head and i dropped it. (probably because i was sick at the time)

I also found .flow via tvtropes soon after, installed it and looking at the main character design, the ruined look of her apartment, i decided that i would try and finish it.

After finishing it last month, i was looking up .flow on the internet and i found this lovely place.
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I like Yume Nikki :D


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I actually forgot how I found this place


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Desuchan. Miss that place. I run the UC Facebook and steam groups, which is to say, I don't really run them at all. Been coming to this site for 15 years. Good to see the occasional post after all this time.


I honestly don't remember, though I hardly count as new now. I've been here since 2018. Somewhere on the webring or something I'm sure.


what's the steam group like? I don't really use steam for social stuff but I'm assuming it's an off-platform discord group if that makes sense, curious now

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Liru is a miracle of the universe.
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She is really great.


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She is wonderful!


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More cute Liru please. Thanxbye.


Liru is a gem

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I constantly hear voices in my head telling me to face challenges that I perceive to be challenging. The majority of these activities are quite simple, but this one was particularly interesting.
Although the test itself was very simple, there were some delicate subjects covered by the wager. The bet was that if I won, my waifu would be entirely a pure virgin and would not die in the manga,As the Manga leaves her fate undetermined.
I took the bet, but I'm not sure if I succeeded. I merely feel empty and always fear that my love for her has soured. Sometimes I try to outdo the voices, but I feel like every time I fail the challenge, my love fades away for her.

I am terrified of these thoughts, and the voices have destroyed my feelings for her.

I genuinely hope that my thoughts have no bearing on reality, that they can be changed, or that my magical thinking related to my autism and schizophrenia is the only thing affecting my love for her.

Does anyone here have a similar problem to me What are the solutions?
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look up and Uru Okabe and you will find it


seek help from a trained medical professional


Feed the voice that helps you most




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i do have the same predicament, although in my dreamworld, i am not doing it for a potential waifu but rather to not disappoint the lads under my command.
sometimes i daydream about being big boss and having underlings that were previously NEETs or hikkis, and they rely on me to keep going.

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This is kind of a dumb post but I really want to share this. I wrote all of this already and I'm not gonna waste it. Was originally gonna submit this to /x/ but it didn't really match the tone.

Remember Webdriver Torso? That youtube test account that uploaded a bunch of those red and blue square vids?

Well it just revealed its subscribed channels. Nothing sticks out aside from a channel named (picrel) Alpine Videos 2.

You can see two videos from the frontpage
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVmqSZHCwEs ("unlisted" but featured video)
And this playlist

Timecode 0:01 of 2nd video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJaQ3bzMacU confirm it's the same guy.
I'll download all these videos available in case they go offline.
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The audio on the first one is sort of creepy at the end. I wouldn't expect this to get big like webdriver torso because it's much less viscerally mysterious, cool find though. It's interesting that webdriver torso is also subscribed to normal channels like jacksepticeye.
Did the phrase "the torso opens" come from somewhere? After I clicked on these links I searched webdriver torso and a suggestion was "webdriver torso opens", but there were no videos with titles like that.

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is blogging to yourself against the rules here



I'll allow it but it might get autosaged in the future.

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Kind of lame reaction post but I very much appreciate the resource so thank you


Hope my ire doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth when studying physics, it's beautiful stuff. I just really have beef with the general category of person that your post was in line with.


Physics? I prefer chemistry


Physics is what the site I linked is for and what you'd need to understand dark matter.


But I can't math…

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