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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta
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File: 1389737087883.jpg (23.9 KB, 250x297, I_Have_No_Mouth_and_I_Must….jpg)


Have any of you played it? What did you think?


I haven't played it but I have read it

makes skynet look like a preschool teacher


Seems cool, although it would be nice if you posted some data and a link.


File: 1389777962580.png (265.37 KB, 640x480, I have no Mouth and I Must….png)

I really enjoyed it quite a bit when I played it a while back. I especially liked Gorrister and Nimdook's chapters, while Ellen's felt the weakest, but was still interesting.

I remember the game suffering from adventure game logic with one puzzle, but a bit of trial and error solved that easily enough, and I remember most of the other puzzles being reasonably intuitive. The twistedness of AM and the different environments makes it pretty entertaining from start to finish, as well; each character also has their own issue, shortcoming or phobia that AM tortures the victim with, so that psychological aspect is also interesting to see incorporated into each character's sub-world.

While the game directly quotes the original short story at certain points, they share quite a few differences. Both the game and the story are well worth checking out, I'd say. I also find it pretty neat that the writer himself, Harlan Ellison was the voice of AM.

Also, here's the game's intro for anyone who wants to see a little of what the game's like:



I watched someone do an entire let's play (he knew what he was doing and didn't dick around much from what I remember).

The game was thoroughly enjoyable despite them changing some things around and taking some creative liberties with the characters in relation to the original writing.


Well, they changed it all with Ellison's concept, so it's all fine. Game's way better than the novel, to be honest.


I played only Gorrister. But I'll try later the others

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