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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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File: 1452286719858.png (469.76 KB, 1280x720, internet-addiciton-2-thumb….png)


Would any of you consider yourself "addicted" to the Internet? And if so, is it something you're trying to get out of? I've put some tips and general advice into a video for YouTube, although I've probably missed some obvious tips. Got any ideas? I'm a recovering NEET and Internet addict myself by the way.



IRC and chans, its not that i want to get out too hard, but my current setup makes it suck up my time which is not good.


I'd say I have a pretty strong addiction to the internet, but I just don't really see it as a problem.
Housing/Finances are taken care of for me, and I have next to know desire to make friends.

Sell me on it, OP. What does the real world have to offer?
Is there something really out there that's worth sacrificing my cozy cyber-world?


*next to no desire


"Internet Addiction" really seems like the header of an MSN article. I hate imagining a genuinely concerned parent going to their child's counselor and telling them their eleven year-old is hooked on 'the internet' as if it were some sort of drug.
If there's an addiction you've developed that the internet makes possible (e.g. porn, video games, tumblr) then isolate it and work the problem out individually. Never write off such a groundbreaking tool as internet connectivity because you use a tiny section of it improperly.


Too true.


I actually did have video game addiction for a while and was able to beat it.
Now I have a drug addiction
Not much of an improvement if you ask me, but I seem to be getting better grades and get out more…


Almost everything you can do is mediated by the internet. Even very heavy use is not necessarily appropriate for an addiction model any more than electricity is.

I think its if, i.e., you are spending excessive time on message boards, rolling news, lets plays or other "low-quality" content and feel a compulsion to do so.

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