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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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Going to be upgrading my education this fall
Can't be a NEET forever…


I won't. I can't stand people.


I've realized that I can't stay at home forever so I'd rather point myself in the direction of a career that I'd enjoy rather than getting kicked out and being forced to work a shitty job
Trust me if I had some kind of assisted income for life I would never leave my house


i don't see any possibilities here. I would have to move to another country even if i had best degree or whatever.
I dropped out of a mediocre school and i couldn't even stand that one. So there's no way i could do something useful.


Going to try and get my driver's license and GED, get into community college.


Why would you have to move to another country?


Good luck anon.


poland is a shithole




Good for you! My older brother wants me to do the exact same, but I don't know if I have the smarts or the responsibility to do such a thing.


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it's not that bad anon, remember. you must be a fucking tree. Or just buy this fucking orangutan and call 'em Clyde


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This made my day, thanks.

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