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How do you get over masturbation?


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just stop you fuck


Why would you want to get over it?


Care to explain why you want to stop?


I am not OP but personally I want to stop because I don't want to feel physically bad anymore after doing it. I don't even have the right to fap in my life.


this feel so much.

My general protip is: you stop. It's not possible anyway, cause you have to do it every 3weeks(in my case).
Bonus FuckingStupidMethod. Overheat these little fuckers with your tights


iktf. I feel I don't deserve the reward


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Okay, this is my personal guide about how to stop wanking:

Start avoiding long periods of time as an objetive rather than short ones.
I mean, if you say "I will try not to spank the monkey for one week!", that's just going to be a pain and won't probably work unless you really are really motivated to do so. Start with something simple, like a 2 days span (one day you do, one day you don't), for a week. Change that to 3 days per week, and so on with adding days and making the non-wank time longer.

After the first week you don't touch yourself, suddenly it will feel like you really lost any need/interest for that, and you only have to worry about doing it in less than 20 days, unless you enjoy wet dreams.
The two weeks experience is quite interesting, as you wonder if you really lost the ability to get horny. Oh, yes, you may see some doujin and it won't affect you (or at least it's so with to me), but if you indulge in it way too much you may start hearing a voice in your head saying it's ok to give in, so try to avoid anything too lewd. Specially anything ecchi than real hentai or full-porn, since for some reason any suggestive material is way more powerful to provoke boners and fuck everything than watching the direct ol' in-out.

Another thing you have to bear in mind is that you have to really decide "I will not touch me in the days I'm not supposed to". Going back to the example with which I started (the week example), it normally won't work because it feels distant and you don't really figure out that as a real date, so you have to pick up a reference.
Once I reached the 2 week period, I started going with the moon phases just for the kicks. Since it goes from new to fullmoon in a period of a month, which is 4 weeks, I masturbated during those days, twice per month. More or less.
In the week you can choose specific days, like "friday-only wank", or "wild weekend semen contest", or whatever fits your boat.

The month experience is quite a thing too, you go from "did I become asexual?" to "Holy shit I've never been this horny before".

Overall, considering the male body needs to eliminate any excess of semen, masturbation is necessary, so I suggest not going for more than a month. Cleaning your cum from your underwear is a pain.


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Some good solid advise right here, that's pretty much what I do.
Besides the moon phase bit.

>"wild weekend semen contest"

I'm going to start using this term.


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>Besides the moon phase bit.
Yeah, I just do it because I actually can't keep up with numbers and stuff when it comes to goals or objectives, so "New moon jack off" and "full-moon revenge wanking" had naturally become like stable points which are present in a month-span, so it helped with the "only once every 2 weeks" thing. It's also cool because I normally wouldn't realize what kind of moon is on the sky, and I have a shitty memory so I don't know what day it usually is, so it helps to distract myself about the whole wank think and actually helps me to keep up with how fast time passes.

>"wild weekend semen contest"

The first time I tried I'd masturbate during fridays, and only at night, but from time to time I felt it wasn't enough and that I was really horny. That's when I decided that "friday" could be extended to saturday or even sunday if I couldn't calm it. That's how the "wild weekend semen contest" term was born.
I think that if you feel you're not capable of keeping it up until your next point in time, you should drain yourself as much as you can during a short-time span and then relax. That way, instead of feeling horny every two days, you can just take it all during the firday/weekend and then prepare for the challenge that goes from the next monday until your next friday.

Man, it feels weird talking like I am some sort of professional on this…


I once tried not to fap for a full month, just to set a kind of challenge for myself and to see if I could do it.
Failed after a bit over two weeks because one day I was so fucking horny, I couldn't think of anything else than release and came after having fapped for only like 10 seconds or so.

…Either way, my point being, not fapping for a while had no noticable positive effects, so I'm not likely to try something like that again.
That's just me personally though, so…
Yeah, polite sage for not actually answering OP's question.


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I just remembered a very important factor you ought to hold in mind if you want to stop polishing your blood-filled saber until you can see your own reflection on it. A valuable knowledge that I earnestly hope will help you in your mission as your last-resort weapon.

The principal and most fearful entity you will be facing during your rehabilitation is boredom. There, two enemies are likely to appear before your presence: "I've got nothing else to do"-kun, who could actually appear at any time of the day, and Vladimir, aka "stroke once and go to sleep".
It's a fact that when we're alone and we realize we don't really have any business in our hands to do, we will fill them with the golden lamp and stroke until we see diamonds and the genius appears. Therefore, I recommend you to think of something you've always wanted to do but you put off for the meantime until a future date that you don't even know if will ever come. Do you have any books you want to read but didn't feel like doing so? Any game? learning a language? Anything will do. If you feel an itch in your crotch and you start thinking that it would be alright to teach Micky a new trick, go pick that book – or whatever fits your fancy – and concentrate on that. As incredibly as it sounds, masturbating may take a good bunch of your time and you may have never realized that – from a few minutes to even 1:30+ hours – so you may want to use that for something you find useful for yourself. Actually, it feels like recycling all that time into something that will actually help you so it's quite good.

Vladimir may or may not be a hard opponent depending on how late you go to sleep. If you're one of those who tire the shit out of themselves before deciding that it's time to quit the interwebz, it will be easier since you won't feel like pumping your dick before bed. If that happens, though, just go watch some funny videos or something and then turn your compooper off, immediately, before that feeling comes again. If you still feel like fucking a horse, just press your cock against your bed or something, hard, but don't give in.
Another way to evade this, if your case is of those that don't go too late to bed, is just doing something time-consuming until the end of your session. Like playing a game or so, then turning your computer off and there you go. If you tire of games you can simply watch anime or something, it works the same; you can't watch it and porn at the same time, unless it is some hentai or ecchi, in which case you're a fucking maso.


Reading about people struggling to go without fapping for more than a week seems ridiculous to me. You actually start having wet dreams after a whole month of not masturbating? I'm genuinely intrigued by this, because not fapping is so fucking easy. Just make yourself think of something else. There are millions upon millions of other things to busy your mind with other than fantasizing about blowjobs and tentacle rape. It's not like you're a pig or a rabbit or something like that. Just direct your thoughts elsewhere. I'm really fascinated by this.

Then again maybe that's what it could've been like ten years ago or someshit. It's not like I tried going celibate until my late twenties so maybe it just gets that much easier with time.


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>Then again maybe that's what it could've been like ten years ago or someshit. It's not like I tried going celibate until my late twenties so maybe it just gets that much easier with time.
>late twenties
>maybe that's what it could've been like ten years ago
>maybe it just gets that much easier with time.

Yeah, have you ever heard by any chance of hormones, and what happens between your teenage until your early twenties?


Heh yea I thnik I've heard them mentioned sometime ago man but I appreciate u reminding me of that stuff. U fucking owned me man I forgot I'm ten yrs 2 old 4 this board.

ps. nice witch avatar I love witches too


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too old for this
nobody is too old for the shithole


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That butt be looking nice and firm.

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