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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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How do I become a NEET?

I don't want to kill myself, not yet, call me in a couple years. I just want to drop out of life, play vidya and get NeetBux.



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How old are you if I may ask?

If you are under 30 please don't try to live as a NEET. It just makes your life more miserable. You might think now that this is a "good" way to live but you think very very differently when you reach 30.
We are social creatures and with isolating from society comes a lot of loneliness and tormenting self-doubt. Being a NEET is not cool. It is not some secret edgy club and those that are at their limit only want change in some form or another even if it is something extreme like suicide.

If you want to live like a NEET and all those things don't apply to you…
First of all where do you come from?
The biggest problem of living outside the society but wanting to enjoy the benefits of it is financing. You won't get something if you don't put some work into it.

The most comfortable way is like you said NEETbux. But getting money from the state can be pretty harsh.
There is a user on this board called Distortion. He might have some tips for you if you live in Canada. He gets ~800$ a month but he had to put a lot of work into it. You need to deal with a huge amount of paperwork first.

You sound like your parents or somebody else is supporting you atm. If you are fortunate enough try to stretch this as long as you can. It is a dick move but if you are at that point already be a dick.

If you are a girl get yourself a sugar daddy.

I can't think about more ways. Maybe the country you live in has a good working welfare program but if you don't get something for the long run people won't give a shit about you anymore. Being poor is hard work too. Society will blame you for many things and spit on you when you reach a certain point. Most programs to cure depression, social anxiety or panic disorders are only subsidised for people in their early twenties. After you reach 30 and have nothing to show for you are fucked. If their are no people in your life left that might help you at that point it is going to be even more harsh living.
Most likely without respect from others and money/health issues. At least with some kind of psychic disorder you developed over those years.

Never give up.

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