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/n/ - NEET

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I have social anxiety so i tend to sweat a lot during the day,i end up using more clothes to hide the smell,but summer is coming in my country,any advice?


Stronger deoderant? Using more fragrant soap in the shower? Bathing more? Losing weight?


I have tried stronger deoderants but it's no use,i bath daily,sometimes twice a day,and i'm a regular sized guy,i'm not overweight nor obese


Try changing your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and less red meats. "You are what you eat" applies very literally in the case of body odor.


Maybe it's because of fapping too much? hormones -> body odor?


I refuse to stop fapping


Limiting it to only once a week is (allegedly) healthy for you.

You don't have wear a chastity belt and start attending sunday sermons, just don't overdo it.


I fap to urotsuki. (Blushes in shame) I'm sorry but she's SO HOT.

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