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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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I am scared /n/,
Im 24y/o atm, i've dropped out of college two times in the past 3 years due to anxiety, heavy depression (currently 10 months of neeting, barely leaving the house)
i live in europe, first i studied at the public uni, then i moved to the private, it costed me quite alot of money, my parents were funding it for like 1.5 years, wanted me to take a loan but i felt bad about it, couldnt handle the pressure from them and from all the school stuff so i just abandoned ship completely, my parents were rly upset my dad even told me once that they believe ill give them back that wasted money… i feel so bad about that. now i thought about studying again, but the only thing i believe i could handle is also a private uni but in a different city. i have a friend with similar problems like me who study there but he is younger and he live in that city..
im gonna be 25 y/o in the next year so i believe i have no chance for a student loan, and even with a loan ill still be short for some money if i have to think about renting a place to live in a different city.

i have no clue what to do with myself no more, i was looking for a job but the only valiable for me were heavy lifting and other primitive shit, i dont want to work like that, i completly dont know what to do now, my parents keep pressure on me i think even they abandoned the idea of me graduating of of college, no one believe in me anymore, im lost.

sorry for all the grammar mistakes


Well your first issue is listening to the desires others have for you over those you have for yourself. What do you want to do for you? Pursue those interests.



Indeed if your parent presure you into things that you dont want to do then you will fail eventually.

I cant really tell you what to do.
If your only problem is anxiety, depression etc then perhaps you should seek a psychiatrist.

You might also consider doing a study over the net, i dont know if these things are worth anything tough.

Hang in there and dont let things crush you.


You and I ride together in pretty much the same boat, OP. It seems you're on a fast track to social exclusion. Without education or marketable skills, you are useless in most jobs. You don't have the luxury of choice. You will be denied even those "primitive" jobs, because the workers needed for those are expendable, there are many unqualified people besides you who want to get them. Only the best ones get chosen, and with your negative attitude you're far from the best.

What I did was, about 4 days ago, I went to my nearby division of Voluntary Labor Corps. They currently offer a free, European Union-funded, complex program designed to specifically target NEETs aged 18-24 and help them reintegrate into society and get job training and job experience. It's due to begin in a couple days and comprises all sorts of help, including psychological counsel, addiction treatment, driver's license course, job training based on an individual's abilities… All this looks really good, don't you think? I've applied for the program, and I really hope I get accepted.

I don't know where you live, but if it's somewhere in the EU, then perhaps you also have such free programs aimed at young adults who struggle with self-sustenance. Just be wary that once you're past 25, your chances of getting such support for free (or at all) diminish greatly.

Good luck…


Fuck op …I will be 24 soon.
School/training for me starts the 16th.

Worked in a bread factory for 2 months it was hell.
(The pay was nice though)


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Just don't drop out because of social anxiety or depression. College funding is serious business and I know some people who got fucked over it because of loaning. My only advice for you is to suck it all up. Fuck everything that happens in college. Just finish it as soon as possible if you're having troubles. I myself cannot stand spending time in my university, was one of the worst experiences I had.

I can't say much though, I'm still in training and fuck, I hate it.


I dropped out because of anxiety and depression. And still have to pay back loans. Thusly I get no tax return, ever. >_>


Yeah school loans are designed to put you in debt for a better portion of the rest of your life.


The current system is really rotten. Sometimes, I just want to just fucking be a hermit and live in the mountains.


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Thank you for your kind words anon but I have neither social anxiety nor depression.
My parents pay for everything …so no money problems here.
Im actually pretty optimistic -this is kind of a last chance thing but it is a big one.
I was neeting for the last 14 months…
If I make it I will work in the company of my father.
I could lead his company one day, make a ton of money and travel the world.

If I don´t make it… well that is not an option.

So it is pretty much ascension to godhood or eternal damnation.


Damn, you've been dealt an awesome hand in life. You better make it or it will be a huge waste of potential.


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So you're graduating from neet?
Goodluck out there man.

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