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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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I think I want to finally get a job. I've been NEET and almost a complete shut-in for several years now. I never had a job before. Going outside into the world and interacting with strangers basically terrifies me, I haven't done it for so long. The responsibility of a job, even if it's something really simple, scares me.

I don't know what job to get, not that there is many I could get (I have my GED though). I could be a cashier or stock shelves at a local store, or work in fast food. I would probably hate it. A restaurant doesn't sound that bad, but the pressure of interacting with all my co-workers, taking orders for the customers, and carrying around plates of food I'll probably drop, I don't know how that will go.

I'm so used to sitting here inside my house, I can't handle things very well. If I have a panic attack on the job I'll probably get fired. Being in the outside world with all those strangers all at once is going to fuck me up. Simply talking to a stranger by myself about anything is enough to have adrenaline flowing through my body to the point where my heart is racing, I'm sweating, and I'm talking too fast and erratic. If I ever went into a job interview like that they would wonder what is wrong with me, they would think I'm on drugs. That's a physical reaction I can't even help, it's adrenaline, there's nothing I could even mentally do to stop that from happening, and it would happen. Of course it wouldn't happen much if I got used to it over the course of time, I don't how you expect me to initially get over it.

I don't know if I'll be able to do this. I wish I could get a job where there was cute co-workers like hataraku maou-sama. Anyone else know this chair?


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You write that you have panic attacks. Do you know why?
Have you ever seen a doctor because of your mental health? Sometimes it is smarter to slowly get your act back together instead of just throwing yourself into the cold water. You can't even manage your own life and now you want even more responsibility.
But if you think you can handle the pressure and are positive that most of you problems might vanish with a good amount of confidence you might build up in a job and with time management that comes with the workaday life then go for it.

You should be proud of yourself for still having the will to change your life in some way. You don't want to be unhappy and you hate your status quo. That's the first step.

When I am working I am like a goddamn machine. I am very effective and start to bend over backwards for my boss. That would be great but my father is just like that and even though he is very very successful because of it he looks 10 years older and all he thinks about is work. I don't want to become like that. At the job I am a changed out person. No that's not it. I am a good actor. A very convincing one too.
I start to cover all my fear in a ton of work and responsibilities I can hardly handle until I just haven't the time for myself anymore. It is an ugly feeling because I am a very sensitive person. So I quit everything I begin in half a year for everyone's surprise.


>Do you know why?

There's so much wrong in my head I couldn't begin to dump it here.

>Have you ever seen a doctor because of your mental health?

They're pseudo-scientists and quacks. Talking to a psychologist would just make me angry at him, and an addiction to mind-altering drugs is not what I call a solution to the problem.

>You should be proud of yourself for still having the will to change your life in some way.

I don't think I should. There's no pride to be taken in just wanting something and not doing anything.

I just can't think of any job I could get that wouldn't be so bad. You ever see Hanasaku Iroha?


>They're pseudo-scientists and quacks. Talking to a psychologist would just make me angry at him, and an addiction to mind-altering drugs is not what I call a solution to the problem.

You think you're not treatable but I am sorry you are wrong.
The symptoms you describe are quite common in society and very well treatable. You don't have to take AD's if you don't want to even though modern SSRI's are not these side effect riddled things from some decades ago. You also don't have to take dangerous Benzodiazepines against your panic attacks. But don't underestimate a panic disorder. If you already suffer some time because of them let me warn you. If a panic disorder gets chronic you might be stuck with it your whole life! Get off your high horse & try a stationary therapy before judging. You'll be surprised how different it is then you imagine. There are many clinics specialized on just these social type disorders that are fueled by fear. They are quite common under young adults in their 20's and one of the best treatable mental disorders out there.


>You ever see Hanasaku Iroha?

Sorry, I skipped this show.


Like >>11407 said, you really should look into getting help first. No use getting the job then not being able to hold it down. Either way, maybe try a nightshift or one of those "in the back" type jobs. Usually you can move stuff, stock shelves, clean, or wash plates. Usually those can be done on off hours and are solitary, perfect for those who don't like people. As for the panic attacks, if you're in a medical state look into CBD. I take it and it works well with no high or side effects, but a bit expensive and not available everywhere. Good luck though, good on you for trying.


If you're so worried about being around others, you shouldn't jump into something like a job. It would be best to take steps first, like walking through parks and whatnot until you're comfortable, for example.


>You think you're not treatable but I am sorry you are wrong.

I'm not treatable by a psychologist or a psychiatrist and his drugs, period. This would only make me worse. The shallowness of paying money to talk to someone, someone I can tell you right now I won't like, to me is a step lower than paying prostitutes to fuck me.

>You don't have to take AD's if you don't want to even though modern SSRI's are not these side effect riddled things from some decades ago. You also don't have to take dangerous Benzodiazepines against your panic attacks.

I will never take an SSRI. They are harmful to your body and brain, I do not want to go through SSRI withdrawals when I stop, I do not want my dick to not work, and I do not even want my mind altered by them. Having my brain on SSRI's constantly is something I would absolutely hate to an extreme extent, one that I don't think you'll get with any words I could use.

I've been addicted to benzos before, do you know that I never had any anxiety (it's not just a social issue for me) before I went through benzo withdrawals? It was the most terrifying several months of my life and probably will continue to be for as long as I live, it completely changed my life, and it's because of a drug that quacks think is a good idea to prescribe for anxiety. These mind-altering drugs aren't treatments, it's pseudoscience. It's biotech companies making money pushing out drugs and trying to pass off any mind-altering effects as "medicine" for negative emotions and behaviors, or simply just thoughts.

These people aren't curing me, they're not treating me. I used to be a dumbass that actually thought there was some kind of help out there, people always say "get help", "see a professional", well there is no help. It's not help, it would only make me worse, angry, and disgusted. I've lost all hope in there being any "professional" help, the only thing that would help me is real people.

I don't know why I completely forgot about nightshift jobs.

There is no real parks where I live, I would have to drive for a bit to get to a real one. I live in an extremely crowded place, I would like to go outside and walk around sometimes, but there's just so many people, and it's not a very nice neighborhood either.


I am only in the position to give advice so do what you want but don't expect things to magically turn back to normal. Most people are not just going to help you but rather exploit your weaknesses. But we will all wish you the very best if you want to fight this on your own. We are stuck in the same boat after all.
I needed help in my worst times and am glad I got it because otherwise I couldn't write these sentences right now. I wouldn't have had the strength to get this done alone but stranger things have happened.

How much time do you spend at your computer or in front of your TV watching anime each day? I am just curious.
Do you have any creative hobbies where you can express yourself?

I like the night-shift job idea too. Start with a low profile.


I am sort of in the same boat. Pressure and complaints from my family members to get a job are ruining my peaceful days. So much so that I kinda wish I did have one so that they would cease complaining to me, not to mention the fact that it just makes me feel like I am complete useless and a burden for them.

Problem is, I don't handle well with people, either. I don't have panic attacks (I am sorry that you do. They sound like they suck), but I am anxious when talking to strangers and sometimes even friends. I shake a little when speaking in front of strangers and struggle to speak more than a few lines before stumbling. Not exactly a good trait to have from a employer's view.

And then there's the fact that I don't have any experience, references, skills, interesting hobbies nor any impressive/decent qualifications. If only there was a job where anyone, even an idiot such as myself, can do without interacting with many, if any, strangers.

My family have told me there's no such job in existence…


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Same,I might get help next week or so to speak to people who help me gettin work based on my skills and needs.

>based on stuff I might like

Like working in vhs shop
Or music video related stuff idk

Just something with out gettin to much critic and someone who tells me what to do without gettin angry if I ask it more often, and somethign I dont have to interact to much with others



Good luck, dude. Try not to put it off either, otherwise you'll end up being back at square one.


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Thanks man, I hope aswell for you things work out in life


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Today had a talk about fitting jobs for me based on stuff I might like, firstly I wont get paid but its to try diffrent things and gettin job experience. So its a step and I get money every month from the goverment for now so Im in a stable situation.

So over 2weeks He will contact me come to where I live and will look up on his laptop for stuff he can place me so I can work there, stuff that might involve very small music store , Library or Second hand shop stuff like that I would enjoy.

I will keep you updated!

mfw guy who helps me is in his 50s and listining to avant agarde >


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Maybe this will be helpful for some of you, specifically the list of online jobs. I have no experience with any of them myself, but from what I've heard, they seem to be legitimate ways of making money so long as you put a lot of work into them to make a decent wage. I guess if your social anxiety keeps you from leaving the house and getting a regular job, then this may be your best hope for now.


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Not op or anyone else in the thread, but I'm unemployed and have to apply to work three times a week to receive benefits. This list will help me out a ton, thanks


>Update >Downgrade
So I had this convo with the guy who talk with me fucking early in the morning. I thought He would call those people for learning place/semi-job >No Pantsuking
You should make the call or going to ask yourself .. I was like what He constandly pushes and then was like or do you prefer I call for an appointment So me half crying as a baby because of all the aniexty feelings. >Sure
so he is like in 2weeks or so again he will call and let me know if I have an apointment.

>Constantly pushing

>Telling me what DO you expect Pantsuking
>How you gonna do it

Stop that seriously ;-; I try my best to escape neet life and I come this far already to get help then it feels like they wont understand and push you in a pit with lava … But they will hold your hand like your some retard.

Sorry needed to release my anger

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