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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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I feel like the one thing stopping me from completely shutting myself out from the outside world is the law. It's not a problem in some places, but where I live the law dictates I have to finish high school then pass a test or some shit, and then I'm allowed to do whatever before going to university. Thing is, I'm not putting up with people for that long. How do I get around that? Sorry if this has an obvious answer.
Also I like the pic.


do you get arrested if you dont pass the test?


you might be confusing law with society's norms. You are not obligated by law to study past the age of 16. What you do after that is entirely up to you.


That could possibly depend on the country OP is in, though I've never heard of a country where you're legally obligated to attend university. Generally once you're 18 or thereabouts you can do whatever. My previous sentence may be an ignorant statement though coming from the United States.

If you want to keep the Internet, and you have resources, go somewhere they can't find you and just pay the bills somehow.

If you don't have resources, and you really don't want to deal with people ever again, do some research, get supplies, prepare yourself, and go live deep in the woods, deep enough that nobody could find you if they wanted to, but close enough to civilization to periodically trek down for more supplies.

Don't get lost.

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