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/n/ - NEET

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Are you in control of your Imagination? Totally? Partially? Not at all?

I can give my imagination ideas, and then it runs with them. For example, I might try to imagine two people in a forest, but after a moment there may be three people in the forest, and I can't change it back. And after a few moments, they might start moving on their own. Sometimes my imagination even rejects an idea as infeasible in the scenario I'm creating.

Sometimes something I'm imagining starts spinning and I can't stop it.

It's basically like a separate entity I can communicate with but don't have much control over.


That's the great thing about your imagination. It's is like an adventure full of uncertainness. But if you want to use it "to create" you need to be able to have a certain extend of control. I write short stories in my free time and a good imagination is necessary but if you just let it run wild while writing you drift out of your own story all the time. Out of your creative flow. Suddenly it is out of context and does not follow the plan you had in mind. This makes a good balance between the omnipresent improvisation and channelling structure necessary.

I let my fantasy free to create the setting,characters and story. You shouldn't force this stuff. It is like day dreaming and the most fun part :). Afterwards I write this chaotic gibberish down and after the 3rd or 4th rewrite all the story strings are mostly together. Direct speech needs you being in-character though. At that point I just let loose and let my mind run wild. Being another person, feeling empathy and just loose myself in the flow.


Not at all, my imagination is out of control, its like a constant film that runs in my head.
The bad thing is it has little variety these days and drains my already nearly empty concentration powers.
Im going to try speaking out some of my phantasies and stories on audio, see of that helps me relieve some of it and if not atleast i ave something fancy to share.


My imagination seems to have two sides to it.

The first side to is the uncontrollable side. I randomly imagine images, ideas and things happening to me. This side seems to be torturous to me. It can cause me to feel feelings in detail, for example a few very common reoccurring ones are nails through the body, rubbing fingers on that bit of pencil that is really irritating and everything necessary to take down any person in detail based on my surroundings and the person(it even gives my entire body a movement path to follow, which is really really really uncomfortable). I avoid horror movies because it tends to cause random negative imaginative thoughts a lot. I also imagine hearing people in other rooms a lot and I can start to believe what other people are saying in my imagination is true. I'm prone to a lot of other delusional thought as well but I don't want to go into detail about it

The other side is the side I actively use and work on. I can look at anything and feel the physics on it causing me to be able to see things on any scale of detail like atomic, microscopic and macroscopic. I've been studying game design a lot lately and I've recently picked up the ability to look at any object in a game and see every potential action of an object at once which shows details like possible different directions, time it takes to achieve and unique characteristics related to gameplay. I seem to be able to do that in real life now.

My imagination feels like a tool covered in spikes. I could probably do anything with it if I thought hard enough but keeping it seems to cost me sanity.



I don't really try to take control of my imagination. Wherever it takes me, I like it there. However, daydreaming seems to take up at least 50% of the time I'm awake, so recently I've been trying to consciously snap back to reality whenever I start to drift away. Generally I'm able to do that and focus on the real world again soon after.

I noticed that my imagination responds well to songs I like. Each track evokes a certain fantasy described by the music. These descriptions are largely static and listening to the same track two times generally produces very similar fantasies, but they tend to evolve over time. To that extent, I can control the imagination.


I get this same effect from music. I daydream (and write) the most while I'm driving my car with good music on.


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Daydreaming definitely takes up a huge amount of my time, especially while listening to music although I think half of all my daydreaming pretty much revolves around world domination. That's not even a joke it seriously does. The other day I was supposed to be washing dishes but spent so much time pacing back and forth working out a way to conquer the entire galaxy while still keeping all the separate colonies connected together as one giant entity Dormiliatron that I was on my feet for so long that I couldn't complete doing the dishes because they hurt so bad from pacing back and forth. Music very strongly effects thoughts of world domination. Especially stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxNwZ0_xvP8

I often have ideas that happened and spin around so fast that I can't get them down onto paper (well, not literally paper anymore) even using my speech to text program (Dragon NaturallySpeaking) unless I cut out all punctuation and editing. The time would take me to refine it into something coherent the idea would already be boring and stale to me.

Certain there are things that get stuck in my head stay there and spin around a bit too fast the point where it's actually painful to me. Usually things like books and anime, I no longer participate in either of those things because of this.

I've become much better at controlling what I'm thinking about nowadays, I find that the best method to remove a thought that you don't want to think about is to visually imagine nuking it, imagine the explosion rippling across the landscape and turning that idea to dust, but don't focus too much on the idea, focus on the explosion. Explosions help people forget what was going on but only hold their attention to very briefly.


I'm in complete control. Occasionally, if I imagine something, then decide later to change it, there might be a tad of resistance, but if I really want to, I can make my brain undo it.


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I control about 90% of my imagination, the 5% I let it do it's own thing to see how a scenario would play out. If there's something I don't like, I go back to change it.

Sometimes that 5% also has spurs of random moments I don't think about, and I find it to be either handy or annoying. Usually handy.


Have you ever done the opposite, where you are seeing or imagining something and accompanying music comes to your head? I used to write it down when I was sheet-music-literate.


my imagination seems to have gotten the better of me. if it doesn't produce good results i am depressed, if it makes me happy, i am happy. i can't really control what it feeds me, it tries to feed my fantasies that correlate in some way with thats happening in my life. It makes it very easy to feel delusional and very hard to think or even determine what is really happening sometimes. I wish I could influence the power of my imagination to do what i want. i could use it to create wonderful things, but instead i can't control it. it's like a fabricated world on top of the real world distracting me from the real world and from applying any focus to my thoughts. My imagination is very vivid. It seems to match my emotions too closely, when i am excited, it tries to fill me with more of that excitement, and sometimes things won't meet my expectations, if i am sad, it tries to keep me there by making me imagine sad events over and over, and if i am angry, it deludes me with fantasies of revenge. It basically is an ongoing fantasy version of whatever is really happening that writes and rewrites itself as time goes on.

i know of know this feel, i want to literally destroy all evil

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