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/mc/ - UboaCraft

Uboachan's Official Minecraft Server
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1332066731216.png (86.33 KB, 854x480, 2012-03-17_22.30.55.png)


I'm working on replicating Seccom's spaceship. (On the server, of course!)
What are you guys working on?


Nobody's working on anything?


File: 1332083205302.png (97.91 KB, 854x480, 2012-03-18_03.05.53.png)

Finished, I guess.


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I'm working on a steam punk labratory. It'll be really cool when I'm done. Also, where is the ship located?


Besides stal's house, near spawn. Looks kinda like a mini snowhut on the outside.


Near Stals house, I am attempting to make a sprite of Uboa made of wool. But for now I'm using his sheep farm to supply some wool for it, I hope he doesn't mind?


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Finally finished it, I really like how you can see if from spawn town.


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So far me and a couple friends made a hot tub with a replica of Osen-san today, I love how it came out.


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Islandburg! :D

Eventually maybe a group dwelling/townthing for some friendos


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And a closer shot


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And a night shot, because I like those


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muh village


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I finished my house, tiddley pom!
It's a beautiful house, tiddley pom!


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I made a boat, you guise!


File: 1335127650624.png (266.93 KB, 855x482, YOUBETTERFUCKINGLOVEMEFORT….png)

You better love me for this, /tkki/



Wow, these are both really pretty, esp. the boat. Good job!


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Welp, first of all, our half-baked spawn, which still needs most of it's interiors and a sewer system done.


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Second project is a party area, which still has no buildings, just the landscaping done. ^^;


File: 1336752498759.png (1.45 MB, 854x1428, party.png)

Another area in >>398


File: 1339990443201.png (612.13 KB, 1208x744, Screen shot 2012-06-17 at ….png)

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