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/mc/ - UboaCraft

Uboachan's Official Minecraft Server
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1331136428648.png (565.74 KB, 848x480, vlcsnap-2012-03-06-21h48m1….png)


UboaCraft is currently down since we don't have a server that can host it reliably, or any money to buy one.


What are we going to do?


File: 1331145997437.png (55.62 KB, 220x255, MYEYESScout.png)

>Finaly fix problem with playing minecraft on my computer

>See this thread



> implying I can't host it reliably


Can you guys open a donation pool?
If so, what would be the amount of money required for a reliable host?

I know there's all this other stuff with trying to find another server for Ubuu and the IRC as well. Seems things have decided to collapse all at once.


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We're probably looking at around $100/mo for a server that can host a lag-free minecraft world. Our previous server came close at $80/mo but minecraft was a tight fit and generally gobbled up almost all of the server's resources.


Also, check the IRC topic for the donation link.


File: 1331605592754.jpg (75.89 KB, 239x239, 1330773452164.jpg)

Aaaaand it's back! mine.uboachan.net


File: 1331637123079.jpg (13.39 KB, 297x350, NO.jpg)

Everything is GONE. TIME TO PANIC.


so is it some kind of test maintenance or we can actually play it again?


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You can play again. The server is still pretty much empty though. Working on fixing that. :3


File: 1331772378930.jpg (227.64 KB, 1190x889, derp.jpg)

Got this error while trying to join. Do I need to have licensed copy of minecraft to play here?


No. Read the info thread.


well i've read it already and have done all steps but for some reason it doesn't work for me. That's why i thought something was changed with connect from cracked clients after the downtime.


uboauth is case sensitive.
(if it still is, that is)


inb4 why isn't the server updated yet


>server update
>everything is gone again LOLO

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