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/mado/ - Madotsuki

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you like YaoiPaddies don't you Madotsuki?



So, you go open up Junjou Romantica, and then you cut their dicks out, and then you mix them into some beef, and make hamburgers, right?




if she likes yaoi then why is there only like 1 guy in the entire game


Well, there's Shitai, and Masada, and the Oni. That's three.


And Tokuto-kun.
And KyuuKyuu-kun.


Don't be silly. Madotsuki is obviously a lesbian.


Females scare me… T_T


fujoshi plz


Well yeah, she is an underage girl. So it kinda goes without saying that she likes yaoi.


I am an underage girl and do not like yaoi. No, this does not make me "different than most" or "a guy". I'm representative of more of the population than you think. Nice assumption though. You don't know much about women, do you?


you're Owl


Wrong anon-kun. A lurker.


Owl is a lurker


File: 1361741279520.jpg (14.38 KB, 259x194, hoot.jpg)





I know that they are very easily trolled, and that is all the information I require.

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