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/mado/ - Madotsuki

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File: 1316817999511.bmp (1.37 MB, 800x600, madotsuki.bmp)



My friend and I are making some YN related joke t-shirts. So, could anyone share a fanmade picture of Madotsuki with the cat effect?


File: 1316898707742.jpg (141.17 KB, 700x875, 959ceb134e2de5ed38767de3a9f…)

Will this work or did you have something else in mind? I could try drawing something myself if ya want.


Oh, that's hot.
I really like that.
But I was looking for an image of Madotsuki meowing with the effect. I'm not really looking for a cute one, or a Yandere!KittyMado, but just a general fanmade picture of Mado meowing, if you know what I mean.


File: 1317344588934.jpeg (422.13 KB, 670x800, madotsuki (253).jpeg)

I sure hope you don't mean porn
because thems fightin words


Why do you feel the need to have Yume Nikki-themed shirts?

Why do the jokes have to be on shirts?



But T-shirts would be awesome. I would love to have a Mado shirt!


>Why do you feel the need to have Yume Nikki-themed shirts?

Because Yume Nikki is a fun game, and wearing shirts with stuff you like is fun.

>Why do the jokes have to be on shirts?

I do not know ._. Perhaps OP likes shirts with jokes on them.


or perhaps [spoiler]OP is a faggot[/spoiler]


File: 1325312353609.jpg (422.1 KB, 700x800, 7-Purple Drank.jpg)


I'm straight, but I would like a Yume Nikki themed shirt too. Modotsuki is awesome.


>>480 Actually I think that a shirt with the picture you just used on it would be a pretty cool. Maybe put some joke about drank on it. Then not only would we have yume-nikki joke t-shirts, we would have yume-nikki inside joke t-shirts.


File: 1325370979807.jpg (5.94 KB, 130x107, 130162452091.jpg)

>YN joke shirts
>cat effect mado
>joke about being attractive

i want mado's pink sweater.


File: 1325386483676.png (209.47 KB, 736x841, 1324508152793.png)


Thank bro. This pic always makes me lol.



needs more red border


it isn't pedantically accurate for me to want to get it, it should be darker pink and have the red border!
At least they got the check symbol right though…


File: 1419203595721.png (45.24 KB, 471x469, holes.png)


File: 1419206704375.png (34.29 KB, 471x469, 1419203595721.png)

There I fixed it so that it's not so disturbing.
It's kinda cute now.


it was better with the holes


The eyes still get to me.

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