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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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inb4smileshairistooshortbecausemywig washsit


The most terrifying pimp.


The most terrifying hoes


the kaibutsu on the right
ahhh yes


all the Kaibutsus look attractive.
Get a wig, and make the make up look a bit more grusome, though I do like how you kept the literal shape. Try adding some details on the Kaibu's mask to make it look a bit more "Nasty" so to speak. If the paint/mask is stain resistant, put some food colouring on the mask to make it look like the wounds were fresh.

Anyway, looking good.
I want to molest the one on the right.


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>I want to molest the one on the right


tis my smexy man and and creepy awsem chickas :3 i loves


I wouldn't say they're the best cosplays ever, but I think this picture looks really cool. Smile standing in-between the Kaibutsu like that just looks so badass.
Of course, it would've been nice if Smile had more accurate hair, but the picture is cool nonetheless.

I also kind of like those Kaibutsu masks; I guess I like how they are more accurate than anyone's human face could look (though they could probably be even more accurate with some work). I also like the sort of cartoony look of the masks.


Dude, that is awesome, the fact that this many .flow cosplayers are in the same group, let alone the fact that all of the cosplays are good. I'd probably have a heart attack if I saw you four walking around at a con.


Those Kaibutsus…they're gorgeous ;w;

It's so cool that a group this big wanted to do this. I think that really makes it amazing!

The Smile's kinda meh though


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Kaibutsu on the right here…
although I'm not the one who posted this, I do have some other pictures to offer if anyone is interested in seeing more.


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The editing on these was done by the con-photographer and I haven't been able to get any originals just yet.


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Bonus Cute!?pose ~

Thank you for all of your comments/critique everyone. ;u;

If we end up pulling this one out again, we'll definitely try to go all out for it.

(I kind of want to attempt the Toriningen next, though? Kukuku)


OH MY–!!!

Those pics are awesome!
Man, the masks look better than I thought; those things are really great. I like the background and the poses too. I really like these pics here by the way; very cool.

This one's great too! It's funny, cool, and cute!

Like >>421 and >>422 said, it really is cool to have this many people cosplaying anything really. These are all really good pictures here.
I'm looking forward to anything else you guys may do in the future.


golly cee this is really fucking great omg. Can I just know how the kaibutsu faces were done? Like, the general process of it all???


Congratulations you've won /cos/ forever enjoy your life


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Thank you so much! I might have progress pictures for something new up by next month if I have the courage to post them. ;u;


The masks themselves are made out of white spandex. All of the fleshy looking parts were built up by saturating toilet tissue or ripped spandex scraps with the latex just like you'd do for fake scars or gashes. (Placing the mask over a wig head while working makes this easier)

The teeth were made from fake nails in a pinch, but clay would proooobably be better if you made them with care.

The eyes are crayola model magic and when I was done painting I coated them with gloss modge podge for that wet-look.

The colors are acrylic or acrylic mixed 50/50 with GAC fabric medium (the large black areas and for directly over where middle-kaibutu's real eyes are)

I'm sorry if I'm forgetting anything. D: I tried to cover all the bases, but if you have any other questions feel free!


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I really like that picture. Just saying. I'll have to keep GAC In mind though. I'm considering doing a mask like you guys have for future.

I can help you out making that pipe look a bit more realistic if you'd like.
Picture related - My pipe ignore the white spots, got banged around a bit at my last con

Anyway, 10/10. Mass props ilovu



Oooh. Very nice sheen on that.

Yeah. Screen printing ink or something like Dye-Na-Flow from Jacquard would probably work just as well, but I like GAC because you can mix it with any acrylic color you like. It's come in handy pretty often.

Which face-type were you thinking of doing? Can't wait to see pictures!


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I was thinking of doing hole-face for myself, then mouth-face for my Sabitsuki.
also uboa mask but that's just for me, not cosplay related

I have to make another pipe pretty soon. Thank god PVC pipe costs so little.


Brilliant cosplay.


I just realized that I never commented on this. Anyway, this has always been my favorite cosplay thing on this site. freaking amazing, all of you


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Hello again! We ended up doing a toriningen group and since this is still on the first page I hope no one minds me dumping pics here instead of starting a new thread.


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these next three are credit to facebook/tumblr/wordpress user chriswithcamera


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why are you all so amazing hnnngh


Epic, I'm in love.


I was just thinking the same thing.
Those costumes are magnificent!
I haven't played Yume Nikki in a long while, but those look really good to me.

These pics are just awesome. I like the style you always have in your pictures, like it's almost a screencap of a movie. They're always so enjoyable to look at.


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Thank you so much! We've really just been getting lucky with running into folks at cons that like our costumes enough to take some great shots to send our way. We don't know any photographers personally.

We're planning on doing a kind of mixed group next and there are a couple things I'm not sure about, so… !

Aoshiru. Picture very related. It will be at a very small event and I'll be wearing him for both days, probably. I could do a basic version for one of them, but I'd love to do the make-up for a more injured/scarred version. What do you guys think?

Oreko. I'm not sure what kind of texture her fins should have. Organic? Or mechanical like the rest of her helmet?

Lastly, Tako Otoko. We have a pretty good idea of what do do for his tentacles EXCEPT what we're going to make the suction cups out of.


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Holy mother of god that is fucking amazing. All my love.


I know this may be very old but i really am wanting to cosplay as Kaibutsu. Is it possible to personally contact the cosplay maker of that character? ^^;



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