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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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Anyone else going to FanimeCon 2015 in San Jose, May 22-25? I'll be there with my roommates, who are also Uboachanners. We'd all love to meet some new faces.


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>tfw all these con things and most of ubuushuns are at the other side of the world

Good luck, guys, hope you have a good time there.


I MIGHT be getting some money soon. If I do I'll at least be able to pay for the ticket there. And apparently at least one friend would be willing to help with that. Dunno about finding a place to stay though.
Hopefully it works out, I've never actually been to a bigger con than just a college anime club's thing.


I wanna go really badly and can at least cover half the train ticket there, but it's only a few weeks away now and I really doubt my parents would pay the rest of the way. And as for the ticket to the con itself, no clue.
I can plead with them to make it my birthday present but that's still a few months away so chances are iffy.


I'm leaving for Seattle on 1 June and the move's gonna occupy most of my cash. Though there's also the fact I'd be doing final preparations around that time OTL


I am here, any takers?


Obligatory 2016 update ne?

Only 20 days away

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