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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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I'll be there on Saturday.
I'll have my t-shirt with my logo on it.

Anyone else?

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Hi there ! This is my Madotsuki cosplay for an italian convention in Mantova :) I hope you will like it ! I'm really happy because someone recognized me!!

I will post more pics :)
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you're welcome! ^^
oh and also, have you ever heard of 'Rumicon' in Italy? It's an anime convention based around Rumiko Takahashi :)


Yes , it's in my city ! It's little but really nice :)


Hi again! The reason I knew of rumicon was this video actually
kind of just randomly stumbled upon it, looks like a fun time! :)


Omfg marry me.


I think youre the cutest girl i have ever seen.
And you have some great legs.

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So my Sabitsuki cosplay is still a WIP, hence the crappy webcam pic, but I'm looking for an opinion on the wig…

I'm thinking I want to muss it up a bit more to get a "bedhead" effect as it's pretty smooth rn but I'm super paranoid about styling wigs aaaa

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I want to live in Finland and speak suomea as good as a finn =(


Tee parhaasi~



joo, yritän; mutta olen a faggot ja minä oppia really really slow.


Marry me.


Wow, it's been a while lol

Anyways, I'm gonna be at shutocon this weekend, and sabi's probably gonna be on sunday!

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I've got long brown hair with bangs and red elastics to braid my hair with, but I'm still kind of scared to pull of Mado hahahhh
I just want it to be perfect. Is there anything I'm missing here? A knife is too over done so I bought a red umbrella.
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you look good!
I like how your hair is a little messy, like you were sleeping with the braids in! haha


I think it looks good on you.
I can't say the same for the quality of your phone's camera.
The graininess of it actually makes your pupils look like slit pupils like a cat's eyes.


oh! you know i do have some red cat's eye contacts. i could probably find some cheap costume cat ears + tail somewhere.

i think i want to wear a wig that's longer and fuller than my own hair, and maybe a lighter colour. i have a tendency to pull out my own hair so its always all over the place hahah ;_;

should i close my eyes if i got to a convention and people take photos? maybe i should get some thick fake eyelashes…


>red cat's eye contacts
So far as I know I haven't seen anyone do that with a cat-effect-Mado, you may be the first, that'll be awesome.


You're cute! I love the messy heir too. You should totally make the cat effect!

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yea eyes opened
btw my hair was long last year but i couldn't stand it




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Me and 5 others are going to cosplay Yume Nikki, .flow, and 2kki for a convention. :) It's going to be awsome. I'm Urosuki, and were going to have Poniko, Aoshiru, and Smile as well as the main characters. Will post photos once i have the costumes together. Anyone have any suggestions as to what we could do?

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Hello there! 'u' Time to share some shots of my Maddie cosplay I wore in november, at a french convention. Hope y'll like it!

ps: this is fake blood
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There was an awesome Yuno at the convention, I couldn't resist to ask her a battle photo! She didn't seem to understand why though. I guess she didn't know Yume Nikki :{


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I'm wide awaaake


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And, last one for here.


Oh my god you're super cool these are great


Hiii Thank you very much Booger! Yours are awesome too <3

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hi guys bring a cosplay Madotsuki I did two years ago at most I hope you like it XDDD


that you?
you're good lookin


ooh, very pretty w

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Probably shoulda brought this up sooner, but I'm going to Setsucon this weekend. Penn state college, Saturday and Sunday. I'm certain that none of you will be there, though. I've never been to this convention before so I have no clue what it's like or how big.
Between the 2 days I'm gonna wear 3 costumes; Madotsuki, Mami Tomoe, and Matryoshka Gumi. It seems like I'll be Mado for the first half of Saturday. Or something. Since it doesn't require a wig, it's the one I travel in.
You know what? How much I wear the Mado cosplay will depend on how many people recognize me/how popular it is. I worked hard on the Mami cosplay and my friend is gonna be Sayaka, so that one needs extra time for me to show it off, but I might cut back on Gumi time for Mado's sake.
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Hey Booger
If you see someone cosplaying American McGee's Alice while you are cosplaying Mado pleas get a photo of the two of you together.


I'll do my best!
I'm a dum-dum doody pants and I saw like 50 IB cosplayers at comiccon last year when I was mado. I didn't hear about IB until the next week. (still never played it, but it seems like a missed photo op…then again, none of them seemed interested in me. I even physically bumped into an IB and she didn't seem to recognize mado.)


Went to a convention this past summer, but it costed me my budget and have stuggled on money since summer. To make things worse, my grandmother ripped apart an autograph by John DiMaggio months later as I was watching my Alucardos DVD.


Forgot to say, have fun Booger.


Would have been a glorious idea.

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