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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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Anyone going to Anime North 2012?

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Anybody planning on going there? I'd be glad to hold a meet up.


i wanna go again soon ;; Im not going tocosplay but I hope more yume nikki/fangame cosplayers go, id love love love to get some pictures.


There is a chance I'm gong, and if I do I'll be SMILE and a Kaibutsu.

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Anybody going?
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I'm going.. but I'm cosplaying Silent Hill and not Yume :(


I went and didn't even see a single Uboa or Madotsuki :(


There was a Sabitsuki, and another Smile. C: I was pretty surprised and pleased, me and the Sabitsuki became friends.
I only saw you once, I wanted to take a picture of you, but I was rushing to my room. :< Shame, it looked good though.~
Aww. Could have always used more Yume.
There wasn't any there that I saw, unfortunately.

Either way, Great year. I didn't take too many pictures unfortunately, my Photoshoot with the Sabitsuki I found got canceled. Else I'd be flooding this thread with pictures.



I know I looked for you the rest of the weekend too but I was happy I did get to see you at least once ;w;

It was chaos this whole weekend though xD

The bottom of my mask was falling apart by day 3 so I didn't dress up on Sunday. I spent most of Saturday night sitting in hallways and staring off into space to see how many people I could scare. Even if a lot of people didn't know who I was I creeped out quite a few con-goers. It was fun none-the-less



There was a Sabitsuki?! Ugh.. yeah I'm >>165 >>166 and saw Konan from far away. I gave up on my James cosplay after friday so I just wore black and white angel wings on Saturday. I didn't take enough pictures really

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not exactly a great cosplay, but i went as a toriningen for halloween! it was fun and i thought i'd share it here 8)


Glad you had fun! and it doesn't look too bad actually. C: You should try to blend in the mask with your skin a bit more, with latex or maybe wigtape. Either way, I can't wait to see improvements!


Reminds of this Team Fortress 2 hat http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Blighted_Beak

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okay so there is the octber MCM expo, are there any wonderus people actually coming or am i going to be all alone?

i fear i wont be cosplaying monoe as the mask blinds me of most of my vision, and i'll probably be attending the Saturday.


I'll be wearing a madotsuki on sat and sun. Ill be at my table at the comic section so look for me! I'll be joined by my friends who are doing Poniko (+uboa pillow) and a shitai :)


Nobody see Uboa on Sunday? D:
Only one guy recognised me, was sad

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Derp wasn't sure when I'd get these off my phone but here are some pictures of my WIP pigtailed Kaibutsu cosplay. I got the mask here (which isn't finished yet). The top one is the before when we were gluing the cloth to the mask (it's on a cantaloupe) and the bottom one is after we took it off the melon (it was starting to mold) and did some more adjustments to it to make sure I could see and it could fit my face. We glued the teeth down a bit so they wouldn't pop up. Next we plan to put some elastic on the back and top of it so it doesn't fall off my head and gluing the rest of the fabric onto the inside just to make sure it's not coming apart.

First off how's it look? Is the loose skin at the bottom going to look too stupid? Obviously I can't see myself very good in this mask but from what my fiance was saying it didn't look like too much of a problem.
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it looks brilliant! but yeah putting on make up would really help smoothing it out, and also i would try attaching the loose bits or at least try to hide them


Alright I'll make sure to get some before the con.

I don't know how to though outside of using spirit glue and well if I do that I can't eat all day and makes removing it way more difficult :/

Any ideas on how to hide them?


I got spirit gum for a fake stache before, and it peeled off and reattatched rather easily..



I've only ever used it on ears. I'm talking about the possibility of half taking it off every couple hours for things like the dealers room and pannels so that'd be a lot of spirit gum I'd be using up. Not to mention it'd be at times like walking around at the con. So I'd have to sit down (probably let my group know) and we'd have to sit around and wait for it to dry while we hold it for 2-5 minutes. It just sounds like it's going to be a mess ;w;

I mean I'll try it out come this weekend (I'm going to a Halloween party and it's my test run) and I'll see how it works out for me. Keep in mind my vision isn't great in this thing and extended periods of time has the possibility of fogging up my glasses.


Hmm.. You could use wig tape and try to blend it in as best you can with make up?
I've never had such a dilemma before haha


Smile cosplay work.
Yes I did a mirror picture.
I don't have my hammer yet, and I'm going to be getting some red eye make up; I have some fake blood which I'll try out at a later date and if I remember to take pictures I'll post them. Wig needs to be restyled, and I need more medical gauze.
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Personally, I'd just smear a thick coat of red facepaint using my index, middle, and ring fingers for the plus sign thing. Gives it the crazed look, which is what I always think of when I see Smile.


I think I like just the plain red a bit better, but as the above poster said I'd try making it look a bit thicker and messier. :) It's coming along great though! *u*


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Smile's tattoos actually do look neat and straight, but making them messy would give you that crazy look everyone's talking about. I guess it depends on wether your going for accuracy or emotion.

Oh, then there's those posters at the school- they look a little messy, but overall still straight.


A lot of people like to draw Smile with the plus tattoos with the top and bottom pointy, and while it isn't quite accurate to what lol's artwork shows… it sure does look awesome.


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Your clothes are too… shiny. I don't quite know how to put it. It looks really fabric-y.

If I were you, I would get a somewhat dark khaki jacket, cut the sleeves, and roll the ends up.

Wear that over a dark red sleeveless shirt, tuck the shirt into your pants, but keep the jacket out.

Lastly, wear the jacket loose enough to flap in the wind, but tight enough to cover the shirt, only pinned together by one or two buttons a little bit above the center.

Pic somewhat related, it's lol's official art "Onii-san". Smile is wearing a shirt underneath that jacket.

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Hello /cos/,
I'm thinking of making a Toriningen cosplay. Do any of you have any suggestions as to how to make the beak? I was thinking of using a) paperboard b) paper mache or c) clay. Thanks C8
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Paper Mache would do a fine job. I'm looking forward to progress shots!


clay will be way to heavy to be comfortable, and you can get great results with papier-mache
as long as you mould it right!


I think you should try and make a beak out of clay, make a mold from that, and cast a beak in latex so you can use medical adhesive to attatch it to your face easier for a more realistic look.


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This is a wonderful idea and you should try it (I know I'm going to)

If you decide you don't want to go that route (latex allergies or something) you can buy plague doctor masks at most halloween stores (I got mine of Amazon) and paint them (hopefully better than I did)

The only downside is that it can really cut your vision!


Thanks for the input! I'm probably going to try the latex idea first and use papier-mache if I completely butcher the latex one.

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hi guys this is me do you think i would do a good madotsuki cosplay
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tottemo kawaii ^_^


Mado with Fat Effect activated?




You'd be a pretty cute Madotsuki <3



so why don't you kill me

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Good afternoon, /cos/.

Are any of you fine people attending AnimeUSA next month? And if so, would anyone be interested in a photoshoot?


I'm not going[Michigan-Fag and too poor to afford both youmacon and AnimeUSA], but if you guys set up a Photoshoot, make sure you guys post the pictures back here!
And OP, you planning on doing any cosplays for AnimeUSA


OP here. I'm going to bring Madotsuki, and hopefully Dress-effect Sabitsuki. I'll definitely post pictures if a photoshoot happens.


Hey there, going to AUSA as well, I will actually be Uboa, though I don't know whether I will bring the big suit or do a bodysuit and mask.

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