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/comp/ - Computers and Technology

Computers, Software, and Technology
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File: 1406773703327.gif (1.66 MB, 308x240, fuuuuuuck.gif)


Is there a way to change the color of the page in Microsoft OneNote 2010 to something dark? I found the interface's option for page color, but it only lets you pick from a palette of really lightly-tinted colors, which really aren't much better than white. I was wondering if there was an easy way for me to modify the program's files to change the available color palette. If not, is there a similar note-taking program that has an actually useful page color option?

I use OneNote for my dream journal because I like the tab/section feature, and I spend a lot of time writing in MS Word. But after such a long time using dark-themed websites like Uboachan and the 'Tomorrow' color scheme on 4chan, it's become annoying to look at the blinding whiteness that's custom everywhere else. I've realized it's just way easier on my eyes to read light-colored text on a dark background, but very few word processing programs seem to have a feature to facilitate that.


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Try changing windows' default color and test if it also changes the OneNote's color.

>but very few word processing programs seem to have a feature to facilitate that.

Almost every word processing program I've ever used had this feature. However, they're normal word processing programs rather than one-shot style software. I suppose you use it for the "reminder" purpose (it shows up a message once you boot your OS), right? Because if you're needing something which saves text files (a normal word processing soft), then even word can be changed in with windows default colors.

Pic related, Word and PDF in my win partition. I changed the whole layout colour palette to be some kind of dark-blue, but I haven't tested if the light blue from Word can be changed. I suppose you can, google how to.


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Another color change + my layout.
I suppose this is what made me want to code Rei/Zero theme. Working during the night with dark background has been my routine for quite a few years.


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Changing the Windows default colors would allow me to display the files in a darker color, but it wouldn't change the actual file itself… So if I opened the file on a different computer that didn't have my color settings, I'd be looking at a white background again, right?

Oh well, I suppose that's not a huge problem. Thanks a lot for the solution—this'll be a huge help.


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>Changing the Windows default colors would allow me to display the files in a darker color, but it wouldn't change the actual file itself… So if I opened the file on a different computer that didn't have my color settings, I'd be looking at a white background again, right?

Yes. It will only change how it is displayed in your computer.

>Oh well, I suppose that's not a huge problem. Thanks a lot for the solution—this'll be a huge help.

You're welcome.

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