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/comp/ - Computers and Technology

Computers, Software, and Technology
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1391895350797.png (615.97 KB, 1440x900, Windows 2000.png)


>Followed Tox since the first thread on /g/ it was suggested in
>Option to use ancient binaries or build it yourself
>Finally to the point where regular nightly binaries are ready for download
>Wanted to try out current Venom/Tox
>None of my friends use desktop/laptop computers or have BDS for Skype
>So ronery that I tried running it in a virtual machine
>Tfw W2K is old as fuck

Tox thread!
Site: https://tox.im/
Github: https://github.com/irungentoo/ProjectTox-Core

Want to be a full-time contributor?

See the rest of the wiki for documentation

Note I am not affiliated with the project in any way


That wiki link is screwed up, sorry

My public key: D7941D9E81CEF43DFF5BFA008956CFAF35F94DAAB51BE10B624FFCFBC704FB7C0C5D0B5C75D5


I was going to download it but then I remembered I don't have anyone to talk to; I hate these social software and IRC accomplishes any kind of communication I might need.

Good to know they keep away of backdoors… but do they really are outside of the range? Someone should check the source code.


>no Tor
No thank you


>not using a VPN 24/7


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>absolute privacy

At least VPNs work to shitpost in ubuu, and, unless some heavy organization is willing to locate you, they perform their duty pretty well.


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Tox, add me please
i need friends….


>forgot to add tox id


Nearly two years later!

Is it too late to resurrect this thread?


File: 1442881537196.jpg (37.82 KB, 540x304, tumblr_mognijBPpa1rkgh27o2….jpg)

sure why not.



Might as well post mine, TELL ME WHO YOU ARE FIRST. I can't stress enough how many spam accounts try to add me over Skype. >~<



The site is https://tox.chat now ever since stqism stole $3k from the project and held the original domains hostage.


Do you love Lain?


my key fucksociety

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