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/comp/ - Computers and Technology

Computers, Software, and Technology
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What the fuck can I do? Some two months ago I took my grandfather's laptop to fix it. It's really ancient and has serious trouble running XP, so I thought I could install Gentoo. That didn't work because the graphics card is so old it's driver's source isn't compatible with current xorg It could be patched if I studied xorg or C.

So then I tried with Arch so compilation wouldn't be a problem, but grub-mkconfig crashes and now I can boot neither the installation or even the live CD (wtf is wrong with it, suddenly?). Is there anything I can do except for learning C and rewriting the goddamned Xorg along with its drivers?


>arch or gentoo for elderly people
Give the man Linux mint and install FF w/ adblock


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I would never let him do anything with any system, anyway. Arch or Gentoo will be fine if only I get to have root privileges. All he needs to and can do is open browser and text editor and use them.

Never seen my Mint dvd act like this… Before it froze to this it gave some sort of missing firmware error right after loading the splash png. Pressing power button didn't change anything but the fan noise. I think I'll just use gentoo cd to get his files safe and call it quits.

…but only momentarily. It's on now. I WILL make a working computer out of it ONE WAY OR ANOTHER


Give crunchbang a whirl. Debian based, so you have plenty of support/packages and it's intended for squeezing efficiency out of older computers or laptops. It also has a build for non-modern PCs.

Only thing is the DE is very shortcut heavy, so you'll probably have to play with openbox to make it more familiar for an older person.


Oh dog I am actually patching the SiS driver to match xorg. Also learning C.

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