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/comp/ - Computers and Technology

Computers, Software, and Technology
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File: 1370969981614.jpg (18.92 KB, 326x273, a man's gotta do what a ma….jpg)


It wasn't as bad as it sounds, although I screwed up a lot, so I've had to recompile kernel a few times. Also grub's notation of partitions was a pain in the ass.

The only minus sides so far (my system isn't complete yet) are the time it takes compiling, my stupidness, and how horrible emerge's output looks. Especially compared to pacman.

Just came to tell you that.


Good, now hack the FBI and detonate the nuclear reactors in the US


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You will get used to it. Enjoy your superior OS, OP.


Free as in Freedom


I hate grub

because I do not know enough about it

so many vmachines got fuckered up thanks to grub

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