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/2/ - 日本 ~redux~

cirno day edition
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File: 1406864855332.png (238.63 KB, 480x320, Screenshot_2014-07-30-20-0….png)


Suddenly your waifu is real and is put under a spell so shes never allowed to leave your house, yet at the same time she hates you.

What do you do?


becomes the waifu's waifu


File: 1407351154630.png (439.04 KB, 704x400, you're lying.png)

She doesn't care for that shit as far as I give her alcohol and food and if I don't leave her alone so she should not have a reason to be mad for.

If she's really mad for that then I'm dead meat, so whatever.


If magical means makes her hate me, then I'm shit out of luck. She'll never change, and I'll never be able to make her.

The only solution is to move out and move on.

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