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/2/ - 日本 ~redux~

cirno day edition
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Where the fuck is an easy place to download Touhou

Like I have searched the entire internet and for some reason its the hardest thing in the world to find a zip file of any of the games.




I don't know if this will work or not, but here's 13.



This doesn't seem to work.

Havent tried yet, but do you have any others?



Sorry, it's all I have at the moment.



The link or the torrernt?


The torrent. I could just be doing something wrong, I'm not that smart.

I'd give anything for a tutorial or something.


I assume you're running the torrent in a client like utorrent or deluge.

If that's the case, once it's done, make sure that you have your unicode set to japanese and then instal the games. Just run the .exe's in the folders to install.


Ahhh, knew it was something simple.

Guess this can just become a toho thread now. Thanks.


No problem. It's a fine shmup. Just remember:

Touhou fanbase. Not even once.



"hey I just beat this in lunatic. feels pretty good"

*checks touhou websites*

"XxNanako-chanxX lunatic mode pacify zero deaths 720 noscope madskillz"



I got Touhou_1-5.rar from theisozone.com.

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