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/media/ - Music / Uploads

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this is a pretty amazing album

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I love it.


Though it was very simple and solemn, almost heartbreaking, I'm amazed. Great adaptation of the original theme.


By the way I finished Famicom a while ago.


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It seems to have gotten a lot harder to find since AltelierIzumi went away forever, anyone have a working link or can upload the complete version of the game? The one I have was when it was still just being constructed.

No yume nikki-related pictures on my computer, so enjoy this psychedelically rendered Touhou character.



Here have some yumeshit.


good stuff, keep sharing maidnaut!

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In this thread, you post your favorite song of all time.



ooh gracious this takes some sifting

sentimentally speaking, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-8nQw-oV5o



Dragonland - The Black Mare




I made this. been messing with it for a little while here and there, and decided its gotten to the point that id be ok with posting it to ask for advice on it.
Its a mix of the diary theme and the flute room theme, pretty much.
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I fixed the weird scratch noises, and then went ahead and remastered the levels and stereo effects. this should sound a shitload cleaner and with no more weird effects.
I also slowed it down by accident, liked it, and then made that another version. if you like slower crap it will be the second link


for some reason it didnt post, or maybe files are off?


it seems they are. oh well. tindeck time.
unnecessary slow one


hi, I downloaded the ost, but somehow I don't see the 'diary' theme, anyone can point me where can I get the original BGM of Diary theme? much appreciated. :3


in your music folder, there should be a midi file called ゆめにっき

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I compose BGM for my yume nikki fangame and i wanted to upload also some of them, to critique them, I know how much you like to critique :B

Ballad world

Horror Church

Clock World

Titel screen (?)

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Just a quick uboa parody, hope you enjoy:

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