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Madotsuki and Friends
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File: 1317437183486.jpg (57.87 KB, 1000x667, yumr]e2.jpg)


My quest for Madotsuki's hug still alive. I'll never give up.
62 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's okay, I still love you, always.


According to my years out there in the business, and according to my consultants
Basically: everything.



File: 1388701558566.jpg (378.54 KB, 800x600, 8db451ebce0ed16f097af3a2ae….jpg)

So, 2014 right… it's been 4 years now… Since the old uboa. Yet, I can't find a single clue.

Damn I feel I'm so close to something… I want it, /mado/, I want a hug so badly.

I NEED it rather… I'm still doing my best… I hope I can do it before I die. It's been quite a while.

Wish me luck /mado/ I won't give up.


File: 1389926384187.jpg (129.08 KB, 850x685, Yume_Nikki_-_Madotsuki_&_P….jpg)

you will get your hug soon enough… Madotsuki certainly exists, we only haven't found her yet. So long as we belive it is possible

in the meantime i could really use a hug…

maybe madotsuki is someone you know, but you just haven't realized it.

File: 1317437183486.jpg (57.87 KB, 1000x667, yumr]e2.jpg)


My quest for Madotsuki's hug still alive. I'll never give up.

File: 1317437183486.jpg (57.87 KB, 1000x667, yumr]e2.jpg)


My quest for Madotsuki's hug still alive. I'll never give up.
62 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's okay, I still love you, always.


According to my years out there in the business, and according to my consultants
Basically: everything.



File: 1388701558566.jpg (378.54 KB, 800x600, 8db451ebce0ed16f097af3a2ae….jpg)

So, 2014 right… it's been 4 years now… Since the old uboa. Yet, I can't find a single clue.

Damn I feel I'm so close to something… I want it, /mado/, I want a hug so badly.

I NEED it rather… I'm still doing my best… I hope I can do it before I die. It's been quite a while.

Wish me luck /mado/ I won't give up.


File: 1389926384187.jpg (129.08 KB, 850x685, Yume_Nikki_-_Madotsuki_&_P….jpg)

you will get your hug soon enough… Madotsuki certainly exists, we only haven't found her yet. So long as we belive it is possible

in the meantime i could really use a hug…

maybe madotsuki is someone you know, but you just haven't realized it.

File: 1317437183486.jpg (57.87 KB, 1000x667, yumr]e2.jpg)


My quest for Madotsuki's hug still alive. I'll never give up.
62 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's okay, I still love you, always.


According to my years out there in the business, and according to my consultants
Basically: everything.



File: 1388701558566.jpg (378.54 KB, 800x600, 8db451ebce0ed16f097af3a2ae….jpg)

So, 2014 right… it's been 4 years now… Since the old uboa. Yet, I can't find a single clue.

Damn I feel I'm so close to something… I want it, /mado/, I want a hug so badly.

I NEED it rather… I'm still doing my best… I hope I can do it before I die. It's been quite a while.

Wish me luck /mado/ I won't give up.


File: 1389926384187.jpg (129.08 KB, 850x685, Yume_Nikki_-_Madotsuki_&_P….jpg)

you will get your hug soon enough… Madotsuki certainly exists, we only haven't found her yet. So long as we belive it is possible

in the meantime i could really use a hug…

maybe madotsuki is someone you know, but you just haven't realized it.

File: 1317437183486.jpg (57.87 KB, 1000x667, yumr]e2.jpg)


My quest for Madotsuki's hug still alive. I'll never give up.
62 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's okay, I still love you, always.


According to my years out there in the business, and according to my consultants
Basically: everything.



File: 1388701558566.jpg (378.54 KB, 800x600, 8db451ebce0ed16f097af3a2ae….jpg)

So, 2014 right… it's been 4 years now… Since the old uboa. Yet, I can't find a single clue.

Damn I feel I'm so close to something… I want it, /mado/, I want a hug so badly.

I NEED it rather… I'm still doing my best… I hope I can do it before I die. It's been quite a while.

Wish me luck /mado/ I won't give up.


File: 1389926384187.jpg (129.08 KB, 850x685, Yume_Nikki_-_Madotsuki_&_P….jpg)

you will get your hug soon enough… Madotsuki certainly exists, we only haven't found her yet. So long as we belive it is possible

in the meantime i could really use a hug…

maybe madotsuki is someone you know, but you just haven't realized it.

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